To be considered an institutional member (as an Accredited Training Center), the organization needs to fulfill all the following criteria:
- Have, at least, one (1) certified supervisor in REBT.
- Demonstrate access to adequate training facilities.
- Be legally constituted in the country of origin.
- Be sponsored by, at least, 2 current ATCs (letters of recommendation).
A formal proposal, including proofs of all the criteria, will be presented to the IAREBT’s Affiliation Committee to be considered. Please, contact for more information.
Institutional members that comply with all their obligations will have the following benefits:
- Use the IAREBT’s logo with the ATC’s brand.
- Provide REBT training programs accredited by the IAREBT.
- Offer IAREBT diplomas for participants.
- Appear on the IAREBT’s website as a member, including their future trainings / workshops.
- Be endorsed in research and publications.
- Be able to participate in discussions and commissions on REBT.
- Have one free admission to the IAREBT annual congress, per year.
- Participate in the scientific committee of the IAREBT annual congress.
- Be present at IAREBT annual and extraordinary meetings, with a right to vote (1 vote per ATC).
- Receive a digital quarterly bulletin.
- Fee for new ATC submission proposal evaluation: USD 150.- Annual fee: USD 300.
To apply for Institutional membership a formal proposal, including proofs of all the criteria, should be presented to the IAREBT’s Affiliation Committee:
To be considered an associate member, the individual needs to fulfill all the following criteria:
- Show a proof of degree in Psychology or Psychiatry.
- Show a proof of training in REBT.
For other fields (e.g. social workers, ocupational therapists, MD, nurses and counselors):
Proof of license to practice psychotherapy in their country (Ex. Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, MD, Nurses and Counsellors).
Associate members that comply with all their obligations will have the following benefits:
- Receive a digital credential, indicating level of REBT training (levels reviewed yearly).
- Have access to free online events.
- Receive discounts for events organized by the IAREBT and their ATC’s.
- Appear in a list serv, indicating level of training (reviewed yearly) and member status.
- Receive information for research opportunities.
- Receive a quarterly bulletin.
- Network with REBT colleagues around the world.
Associate member: USD 100.-
To be considered a friend of the association, the individual needs to fulfill all the following criteria:
- Show proof of currently studying Psychology or Psychiatry or show proof of degree in paraprofessional fields.
-Have participated in other REBT trainings (not recognized/accredited by the IAREBT).
Friends of the association who comply with all their obligations will have the following benefits:
- Have access to free online events.
- Receive discounts for events organized by the IAREBT and their ATC’s.
- Receive information for research opportunities.
- Receive a quarterly bulletin.
- Network with REBT colleagues around the world.
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